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online yoga studio

/ join the community 

Create your yoga space from the comfort of your home! I have realised that community doesn't mean just being in the same room together. Join the tribe and witness that for yourself!

Our monthly subscription will provide you with instant access of more than 100 on-demand yoga classes, meditations and you'll be able to practise in your own pace, in your own time or join a weekly live class, included in your subscription!

Our online studio features various styles of yoga: Power, Vinyasa, Mandala, Yin & Yang, Yin and Restorative. In addition to that you'll have access to various meditations and sound healing sessions.

/ subscribtion

€15.00 per month include:

- Access to all 100+ on demand classes & meditations

- Bonus arm balance workshop

€30.00 per month include:
(not available at the moment)

- 4 new videos monthly

(either live or pre-recorded)

- Access to all 100+ on demand classes & meditations

- Bonus arm balance workshop

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'Thank you. Yesterday's class has cleared my head (had a headache before starting) and I felt so good afterwards!'

Sophie M.

''I have no idea how you do this but this session was amazing! I have been struggling with enjoying yoga due to pain but the few sessions that I have done with you have been great! The perfect balance between moving and staying still! Thank you so much!

Helena M.

'I usually take 2-3 of your classes per week. I love your voice and how supportive and passionate you are about your yoga. The meditation workshop was one of my favourites and I really enjoy the power yoga. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with the world. I'll definitely join one of your yoga retreats!'.
Sarah R.

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